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What is a Fertility Assessment?

A fertility assessment at Women’s Health Arizona includes numerous tests that evaluate the anatomy of the uterus and ovaries for proper function, as well as assesses your overall ability to produce healthy eggs. Infertility impacts approximately 15% of the population, which equates to about 7.5 million individuals. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Whether you are trying to conceive or just want to plan for the future, the providers at Women’s Health Arizona are pleased to provide comprehensive fertility testing across the Phoenix metropolitan area

About our Fertility Tests

There are a variety of tests your provider can perform to assess your fertility as part of your preconception planning. Some of those include:

  • Blood work and urine tests
  • Ultrasounds (including saline infusion sonograms)
  • Assessments for tubal patency (unblocked fallopian tubes)
  • Laparoscopy

These tests can check several factors, including progesterone levels, thyroid function, prolactin levels, and your ovarian reserve (egg supply). You can also undergo a urine test to detect an increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) in the uterus that indicates when you’re near ovulation.

Looking for a Fertility Test Near Me?

Women’s Health Arizona is a team of OB-GYN physicians located in the Greater Phoenix and Prescott areas. We are dedicated to providing high-quality patient care for all stages of life. With over 120 medical providers located throughout the Greater Phoenix and Prescott areas, we are actively taking new patients and ready to work with you on maintaining your reproductive health. Our offices are scattered around the Greater Phoenix and Prescott areas, including Central Phoenix, East Valley, North Valley, Southeast Valley, West Valley, and Northern Central Arizona.

fertility testing in phoenix, az

Fertility Assessment Options

How does one go about testing their fertility and diagnosing the root cause of the problem? There are a few fertility assessment options available for women at Women’s Health Arizona that test different elements of your reproductive system to determine what is causing your fertility struggles. Whether it be hormonal or a different issue, our team of medical professionals is ready to get to the bottom of it and create a treatment plan that is right for you. These assessment options include blood work and urine tests, ultrasounds, assessments for tubal patency, as well as laparoscopy.

Blood Work and Urine Tests

In addition to discussing your medical history, your healthcare professional can order hormone blood tests to help diagnose fertility issues. These blood tests are done at different phases of your menstrual cycle to measure the level of hormones in your blood. If your body is not producing the proper amount of hormones at each stage of your cycle, this can lead to issues with fertility. 

In addition to blood tests, your physician may also order urine tests as part of your fertility assessment. The most common type of urine test for fertility is an ovulation test. These work similarly to a pregnancy test in that they measure the amount of luteinizing hormones in your urine to determine if you are ovulating. Your hormone levels should be at certain levels throughout your cycle, and these tests can determine if you are ovulating properly.


Another type of fertility test for women that can help diagnose fertility issues is ultrasounds of various parts of your reproductive system. An ultrasound is essentially a visual examination of your uterus, ovaries, cervix, or fallopian tubes through the use of sound waves that make pictures of your reproductive system. These can be external by using an ultrasound wand on your abdomen or internal by a vaginal ultrasound. Both of these tests can give your medical team a general idea of the structure of your reproductive system and if any issues or problems with said structure could cause fertility problems.

Assessments for Tubal Patency

Tubal patency tests check to make sure that your fallopian tubes are open and there are no obstructions or unusual growths in your fallopian tubes or uterus. It starts with a normal ultrasound to check for any abnormalities with your fallopian tubes and uterus. After that, a very tiny tube is inserted into your uterus, where a small amount of saline solution is injected into your uterus to get a better view of the structure of your reproductive system and check for any abnormalities. 

From there, the water is observed traveling through your fallopian tubes to make sure that they are open. This procedure only takes about 30 minutes, and should not cause any pain. You may experience some mild discomfort similar to a menstrual period, and it should go away soon after the test with some anti-inflammatories. 


A laparoscopy procedure is a minimally invasive medical procedure where a physician will look at your reproductive system through a small camera called a laparoscope. This procedure is done under general anesthesia, and your OBGYN will make a couple of incisions on your abdomen that are less than an inch big in order to insert the laparoscope and take pictures of your reproductive organs. This procedure can check for any physical abnormalities with your reproductive system or chronic conditions such as endometriosis that can cause issues with fertility. 

If your OBGYN needs to look inside your uterus, they can do a procedure called a hysteroscopy. Similar to a laparoscopy, your physician will insert a small camera through the cervical canal and into the uterus. This procedure does not involve making any incisions, making it minimally invasive. You can request to have this procedure done with or without sedation, depending on your preference. However, there should be no pain from a hysteroscopy.

Fertility assessments

Who Should Consider Fertility Testing?

Are you not sure whether the issues you are experiencing warrant a visit to your OBGYN? Some common indicators that you may be dealing with fertility issues that require testing include the following.

  • You have been unable to get pregnant for at least a year.
  • You have been diagnosed with any reproductive issues involving your fallopian tubes, your uterus, or your ovaries.
  • You have experienced recurrent miscarriages.
  • You have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or pelvic pain.
  • Your menstrual cycle is heavy, irregular, or absent entirely.

Tips & Insights: 4 Factors that Affect Your Fertility

Discuss Your Fertility with Your Provider

Are you struggling with fertility and looking for some professional medical help? Contact Women’s Health Arizona online to schedule an appointment for fertility testing and get the help you need in growing your family. 

Our team of over 120 medical professionals is ready to serve the Greater Phoenix and Prescott areas, including Central Phoenix, East Valley, North Valley, Southeast Valley, West Valley, and Northern Central Arizona. Find the branch that is closest to you and schedule your annual visit and fertility testing today!

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