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What to Know About Sex and Yeast Infections

Sex and Yeast Infections

Simply put, yeast infections are not very fun. When you’re suffering from one, it’s usually a pretty uncomfortable experience. There are all sorts of symptoms including burning, itching, vaginal pain, a thick discharge, and pain during sex and urination. Yeast infections are fairly common, affecting 75% of women at some point in their lifetimes. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus (or yeast) called Candida. Candida is common in the body and usually doesn’t cause any problems. However, it can multiply, alter the vaginal environment, and cause infection. With treatment, yeast infections typically clear up within a week.

Do Not Have Sex with a Yeast Infection — Here’s Why


When you have a yeast infection, you’re usually not feeling well in the vaginal area. As a result, sex isn’t going to make things any better. Seriously. In fact, having sex when you’re already suffering from itching, burning, and other symptoms can make you feel even worse.

Prolonging your Yeast Infection

In some cases, sexual activity can make your yeast infection stick around longer. It can also lead to the reappearance of symptoms. Many yeast infection medications are taken vaginally and sex can interfere with your medication, pushing it out from the vagina.

You May Pass it on to your Partner

It’s uncommon, but possible to pass along a yeast infection to a male or female partner when engaging in sexual activity. Among men, transmission is more likely in certain situations, such as when he’s uncircumcised, has recently been taking antibiotics for a prolonged period of time, is overweight, has poor hygiene, or has an impaired immune system. Fortunately, yeast infections can usually be cleared up pretty easily among both men and women with an over-the-counter antifungal.

What to Do if you or your Partner is Infected with a Yeast Infection

When you have a yeast infection, it’s important to take medication. It’s a good idea to start with an over-the-counter antifungal medication found at the drugstore. These are available in different varieties—some only require one dose, while others are taken over the course of a few days or a week. If over-the-counter antifungals don’t work, get in touch with your provider. Your provider can write a prescription for an oral antifungal or a medicine that’s taken over a longer period of time.

If you and your partner are both suffering from a yeast infection, make sure you both receive treatment before resuming sexual activity. Even if your symptoms have gone by the wayside, if your partner is still suffering, your symptoms may reappear after sexual activity. For the best health in the long run, you’ll both want to be feeling better before having sex.

Learn more:

If you would like to meet with a knowledgeable doctor, consider contacting Women’s Health Arizona. As Arizona’s largest ObGyn group, we’re trained and solely dedicated to delivering the best ObGyn experience in convenient and comfortable settings around Phoenix.

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